
School construction
To address the need for additional school capacity in Flanders, new schools will be built in the coming years. Aurora Schools, a consortium with EPICo², is constructing a first cluster of 7 schools.
- Sector other
- Status construction
- First investment date 2023
- Fund EPICO²

Dispatch Grid Services
Dispatch, a leading Dutch battery developer, is constructing the Netherlands’ largest stand-alone Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). This groundbreaking 45MW/ 90Mh utility-scale BESS is located in the port area of Dordrecht, on a 6000m² site and will be used for grid stabilization by storing excess energy from renewable sources.
- Sector other
- Status construction
- First investment date 2024
- Fund EPICO²

KevlinX develops and operates high-performance data centres for large enterprises, governments and cloud companies. It has started construction of its first 32W data centre in Brussels, Belgium, through which it will be able to service a wide range of data centre customers in the Brussels-Capital-Region requiring flexible colocation or dedicated wholesale space with the highest standards in redundancy, security and energy efficiency.
- Sector other
- Status construction
- First investment date 2024
- Fund EPICO²

Port-la-Nouvelle ( Nou Vela)
The Port-la-Nouvelle project consists of the design, build, financing, operations and maintenance (DBFMO) of the commercial port of Port-la-Nouvelle (France). It aims to transform the port into a key anchor in the Mediterranean landscape and involves the following works: construction of a jetty for liquid bulk, a multi-purpose quay, a heavy lift quay, dredging of the port basin and the development of a port logistic park.
- Sector transport
- Status operations (existing port) & development (port extension)
- First investment date January 2021
- Fund EPICo

Sky Holding Belgium (Brussels Airport)
Brussels Airport, the principal airport in Belgium, serves a catchment area of around 20 million people. In addition to a wide and affluent hinterland, the airport also benefits from Brussels being the headquarters of the EU and NATO. EPICo and EPICo CIP invested in Sky Holding Belgium, which holds an indirect stake in BAC.
- Sector transport
- Status operational
- First investment date March 2019
- Fund EPICo

The project is a PPP/DBFM a new motorway connecting the A13 at Rotterdam Airport with the Terbregseplein junction of the A16. The 11 km long A16 Rotterdam stretch will improve the living conditions and the mobility of Rotterdam. The project will also include the construction of a 2.2km tunnel as well as two underpasses, and three railway crossings for the high-speed rail line HSL Zuid, the Rotterdam-Utrecht rail link and a light rail line.
- Sector transport
- Status construction
- First investment date May 2018
- Fund EPICo

Afsluitdijk PPP
The project involves raising the Afsluitdijk causeway on its north side – bordered by the Wadden Sea – with bespoke concrete blocks. Two large pumping stations are also to be built at Den Oever, on the causeway’s western edge. This allows draining of water from the IJsselmeer – a bay to the south of the causeway – to the Wadden Sea. Passages will also be built to enable fish to travel from the sea to IJsselmeer. In addition to designing, building and financing the reinforcement, the scheme also involves operating and maintaining the Afsluitdijk for 25 years.
- Sector transport
- Status construction
- First investment date May 2018
- Fund EPICo

SPV Gazometer
The Gazometer site in Sint-Truiden is a re-development of an existing brownfield site into a school, a related welfare campus and a housing project. the school and welfare campus are let to the city of Sint-Truiden.
- Sector other
- Status operational since November 2018operational since November 2018
- First investment date December 2017
- Fund EPICo

All Weather Terminal
All Weather Terminal Gent consists in the construction and operation of an all weather terminal in the port of Ghent (North Sea Port). It aims to expand the storage capacity of ArcelorMittal Belgium and to improve the logistics processes, both at the ArcelorMittal site as within the larger region.
- Sector transport
- Status operational since May 2021
- First investment date April 2018
- Fund EPICo

The R4WO PPP-DBFM is 31 km ringroad infrastructure project in Flanders (Belgium). It aims to convert the R4 West and East (R4WO) ring road into primary roads in Ghent, Zelzate, Wondelgem and Evergem. It is the largest PPP project to date tendered in Belgium.
- Sector transport
- Status financial close
- First investment date expected 2024
- Fund EPICo

Solarpulse (Greeni Too)
Solarpulse is an operational rooftop solar park located on the TVH factories in Waregem, Flanders
- Sector renewables
- Status operational since 2010
- First investment date March 2018
- Fund EPICo

Storm Holdings
Our funds PMF and EPICo invest in a number of onshore wind farms with a total capacity of app. 134 MW in Belgium and Ireland through its collaboration with Storm Management.
- Sector renewables
- Status operational, construction
- First investment date December 2011
- Fund EPICo, PMF, EPICo²
Northwind is an offshore wind farm located at the Lodewijkbank, off the Belgian coast. With 72 wind turbines and a total capacity of 216 MW, it is expected to generate c. 850 GWh, i.e. about 1% of the total energy demand in Belgium.
- Sector renewables
- Status operational since June 2014
- First investment date June 2012
- Fund PMF

Nobelwind is an offshore wind farm located at the Bligh Bank off the Belgian coast. With 50 wind turbines and a total capacity of 165 MW, it supplies 186,000 households.
- Sector renewables
- Status operational since December 2017
- First investment date October 2015
- Fund PMF
ISP1-RG owns 14 photovoltaic solar plants with a total capacity of 13.2 MWp. All production sites were operational as of 2010 and 2011.
- Sector renewables
- Status operational since 2010
- First investment date July 2014
- Fund PMF
Livan I
Livian I is a PPP/DBFM tram infrastructure project for a period of 25 years in Flanders. The infrastructure project connects Wommelgem with Antwerp center by tram.
- Sector transport
- Status operational since March 2015
- First investment date July 2013
- Fund PMF

Via Noord-Zuid Kempen
Via Noord-Zuid Kempen is a PPP/DBFM road infrastructure project in Flanders for a period of 30 years. It consists in a fly over on the Albert canal and E313 highway, as well as a new road that connects Geel and Turnhout.
- Sector transport
- Status operational since June 2014
- First investment date July 2015
- Fund PMF
Sport in Vlaanderen
Sport In Vlaanderen (Sport In Flanders) is a PPP/DBFM social infrastructure project for a period of 30 years in Flanders (Belgium). It consists in nine sport halls in Kortenaken, Meerhout, Zulte, Antwerp-Berchem, Antwerp-Wilrijk, Blankenberge, Boutersem, Kortessem and Duffel.
- Sector other
- Status operational since July 2013
- First investment date December 2014
- Fund PMF
Eefde Lock (LT2)
The Eefde lock complex is a PPP/DBFM project that connects the IJssel with the Twentekanaal. The operational period amounts to 27 years after construction.
- Sector transport
- Status operational since April 2020 (full completion of the construction in July 2021)
- First investment date February 2017 (financial close)
- Fund PMF

Via Zaventem
Via Zaventem is a PPP/DBFM road infrastructure project in Flanders for a period of 30 years. It consists in a link between Brussels airport site, Vilvoorde and the E19 highway.
- Sector transport
- Status operational since February 2012
- First investment date October 2015
- Fund PMF
Coentunnel Company (CCY)
Coentunnel Company is a PPP/DBFM project in the Netherlands comprising the refurbishment and maintenance of the first Coentunnel and the building and maintenance of the second Coentunnel.
- Sector transport
- Status operational since 2014
- First investment date December 2015 and December 2016
- Fund PMF